Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009 Missing HIm!

Man! Can I tell you how much I am missing him right now!!! Could we turn back time , PLEASE?!?!?!?

January 23-24,2009

It's called Capture the flag. It was fun watching them run through the woods.
We had a youth group come over for the weekend. Guys only!
They really enjoyed the campfire, smores games, food, ....

January 22,2009

It was bum day at school. lol Get it, keep your change Obama. lol

January 15,2009

David with Rebekah were trying to make snow. But I think it turned into ice instead. They had fun trying. =) It was freezing that night!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 10,2009 It's a Titans game/Predators game

The Preditors fans,
and the other fans. =)
In honor of the Titans playoff game, Nashville made the walking bridge blue.
The Predators field. lol
Richard and I getting ready to watch the game.
Our friend Ed bought our family game tickets for Christmas. Thanks, Ed!!!
Nash on the Bat Building.
Yes, he was there to watching the game.
Another check!
Nash playing around. Predators 4 - Chicago-1

December 31,2008

Richard and our
friend Ed were playing around with the guitars.

This morning Richard and I surprised the kids with some Krispy Kreme donutes. Yummmm!!!!!!!!

December 29,2008

Rebekah came by and David showed her how to shot a gun. You see how his right arm works right? lol

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Backyard Pets Jan 6,2008

Okay, you've asked for it and now you've got it. Enjoy the video. Oh, if you here the boys talking in the background, they are making a bet. The bet is to see who can swallow eggs whole. Jonathan said that he would swallow 1 if David swallowed 2. They both came through on the bet. I thought they both were going to puke. lol

Football season in October 2008

This is another play from the game below. The stupid markers were in Richards way. Jonathan is #31 in the white jersey's. He keeps his eye on the ball at all times and moves in the area of where that ball go's. He is so fast on the field. This was there last playoff games.

Football in October 2008

Jonathan is number 31 in the white jersey's. Watch my boy move. Where ever the ball go's that's where he runs t00.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fishing Day Dec. 27,2008

Jonathan, Richard and David went out with some friends to fish. They caught 21 bass fish.
Jonathan got a new fileted knife for Christmas.

They fileted all of them. That would had made me tired and grossed out!!!
It's funny how fishing can make you soooo tired.

December 26,2008 Sarah's roadtrip

Sarah and Victoria head out on their first road trip to Orlando, Florida. Call mom every 30 minutes so I will know that your alive and safe. =) lol

A Tennessee Christmas 2008

On the night before Christmas not a creature was sturring, not even a dog. The boys decided to sleep in the livingroom to try to get a peak at Santa Clause.
David got some gators stickers for his wall.
Rebekah and clothes. A girls best friend.
David got a bunch of Gator stuff.
Sarah got the purse that she was hoping for.
Jonathan has no idea what's in this box.
YEA!! He can't believe his eyes.
A cool Gator shirt!!
Katie is enjoying her Christmas gift.
Nala's happy with all the boxes and wrappings..
Jonathan an our beautiful colorful floor.
David's girlfriend got him this. =) Look at that big smile. =)
Jonathan with his BB gun,.
Jonathan's silly family picture.
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year 2009.

My winnings from Bass Pro Shop on December 22,2008

Nala likes one of the boxes as you can see.
LG tv, MP3 classic, Fish pillow, some toys, 3days/2 nights reasort vacation, $250.00 gift card to Bass Pro Shop

With the card we bought a boat cover for the Pontoon boat.