Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 17,2009 We went to the zoo

Today Jonathan and I went to the zoo. I'm hoping that the pictures will help bring some of you here to go with us next time. =)
The zoo has 3 different types of monkey's. When they get going boy can they get LOUD! The only thing that seperates us is a circle of water. The are very afraid of the water.
Here's a close up of some of them.

Jonathan watching the monkey's.
Our pretty birds.
This one was looking at my camera to see if I had any food.
Our female giraffs
and Jonathan watching the male giraffe eat a treat that the caretaker hung in the tree.
This is the safare area where the 3 elephants live.
a close look of one
This is their pool.
The two females again.
Me =)
On of my favorites, the Meerkats
We have new zebra's. These guys have a brown strip on them. They also think that 4 of the females might be pregnant.
This is our Bengal. We have two, one white and one yellow. Nothing obstucts our view of them. A waterfall seperates us from them.
A little fence seperates us from these cute baby Lynxx's. Look at his paw.
The other baby.

We also have Gators. They also have a big pool.
Me walking throught the bamboo trail.
Posing. =)
Our male clouded Leopard. We also have a female, she was sleeping.
A close up look.
One of our red Pandas
Joshua's favorite- LEMARS!!

They were sleeping in a ball.
This is our Guenon monkey. Jonathan one time threw a green grape in there area. Your not suppose to feed the monkeys. But the monkey did like it.
A fence seperates us from them.

He was licking on a stick.
One of our Cougars
A fence and waterfall seperates us.
We have a petting zoo


a viewing area for the kids to see the Meerkats
Hey, a foot print! Can you guess what it is?
The caretaker gives our elephants things to play with. Today he is playing with a stick. This helps keep the elephants from getting bored.
The foot print was from a giraffe.
I took a bunch of pictures of he male giraffe eating his treat.
Look at his lonnnnng tongue.

Ya, I like the giraffes too. =)
Jonathan does too.
this is how close you can get to the giraffes.
This is a scull of an elephant
From the side you can see their teeth.
Hey an animal got loose!! Oh, that's Jonathan!!
Can you guess who these foot prints belong too? The big ones.
Me relaxing at the old historic home
Jonathan sliding down the rail.
The prints are from an elephant.

Hey mom! We even have a graveyard at our Zoo!!
This is the historic home. In the back is a slaves home and tow different out houses. One for the slaves made of wood and one for the owners made of brick.

Our carousel
Our play area
a view of it.
Hey Joshua, Caleb, Rachel, Trevor, Johanna, DJ and Maggie!! =0 Come visit me and I will take you here!! =) Hope to see you real soon!!