My post is backwards. Your starting from the end of this post which is actually at the end of this post. Anyhow, we have had like 3 different kinds of woodpeckers visiting the feeder lately. Here is one, the Hairy Woodpecker.

This one has an orange-red head look. I think it's a Red-bellied Woodpecker. I couldn't get a picture of the other one. He's a Pileated Woodpecker and he is BIG!!

And yes, more deer pictures. I just can't get enought of these guys. They are so cute to watch. This one is stretching or just posing for me. =]

I thought this was a neat picture. Focused on the closer deer as the other one is eatting in the background.

Here's a full view of all 4 deer. We have about 3 different herds so far that I have seen.

I love my birds. This is either some type of a finch or sparrow. He's next to the finch feeder.

They are getting a little more brave.

This one kept getting closer to the house.

The bird on the feeder is a Carolina Chickadee. And the one on top of the post is a Tufted Titmouse.

One of my favorite pics.

This is just as they came to the house. These 4 guys showed up just after we ate dinner today. I just hung up with my sister when these cuties came by. This is another herd. It looks like a mom with 3 babies.

I love his stance. I give him a 10. =]

This is really close to my windows. He came and drunk some water out of the little feeder. Thank goodness it rained last night or it would had been empty.

Oh my goodness! He is getting closer! This was another herd that came by just after we got home from church. These 2 are what I call Juniors. Just old enough to travel without mom.
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