This is the driveway to our house.

Our house from the road covered in snow.

The view of our road from one direction

and this is the other direction.

David made an angel.

A glimpes of the woods.

Nala playing in the snow. ha ha She looks like a rabbit running.

The back of the house.

A little bit of the snow with the sun shining on it.

Having fun in the snow. I love the sound of it when you walk on it.

Cheese! =]

Jonathan posing for me. =]

My baby is growing up!={

My woodpecker

The snow really brings out the birds

and the deer.

Richard giving David a ride on the snow.

Jonathan riding along with them.

Now Jonathan is getting a ride.

Smile David! =}

Here comes Richard and Jonathan.

Smile Jonathan! =}

David is about to pound Jonathan with a snowball. You can say that we had a fun day in the snow today. Especially with Daddy being home! Sad tho, the girls had to work today and all day.
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