Uncle D came over on Friday night and stayed over. That morning Richard, Jonathan and Uncle D went out on the boat to do some fishing.

David had lifeguard training that morning.

Later in the afternoon David caught up with them to do some fishing himself. Jonathan was telling David about his fish story. =]

And they are off for some more fishing.

I however was under the weather from a cold I got earlier this week. So, I went home and watched some movies.

This cutie was laying near where David got on the boat.

Isn't it beautiful out on the lake?!

My hottie girl Rebekah getting ready to head off to her Senior night at school. This was on Saturday.

You look beautiful, Rebekah!

A flower from our blackberry bush.

Here are some of the fish that the boys caught.

They brought these two home and cooked and ate them.

Sarah is home!! Yea! She just came back from visiting our other home...Florida. Taken on Sunday.

Our babies are 7 days old. Starting to get their wing feathers. =]

This deer came by on Monday morning around 6:15am. I was getting ready to take Richard up the road.

Then around 7:00am these two came by as Jonathan was getting ready to catch the bus. The one is telling the other it's her turn to lick the block. =]

So, the other one decided to go get a drink.

Then eat some green vegetation.

They are so beautiful.

I thought this bird was cute. He was just sitting on the side of the feeder and taking it's time eatting and just sitting.

My hummingbirds are back!!

I am so glad. I love these cute little birds. So, there you have it... our weekend events. Oh, David passed his test and will be a lifeguard for the second year at Nashville Shores Waterpark. Good job, David!
It does look extremely peaceful on the lake! What big fish they caught. It looks like David caught a "mosquito" on his short as well! :) Hee heee
Do you have a big blackberry section? I was wondering when Sarah was going to FL. Glad she had a wonderful time. Congratulations David on passsing his test. Okay, typing with two kiddos on my lap... not easy task.
Did that comment go through? It said some error. I went back and now it says saved and I am going to comment more.
oh great, I forgot on what again... oh yeah Rebekah -- Did she have a fun time? Did she find a prom dress yet?
and the deer. They are just gorgeous! You can never post too many pictures of them. We are deer fans here. Love how he is drinking at the bird bath with a bird! How cute!
Kim, I love your blog. What an awesome way to keep track of all your family adventures.
I love to fish so I particularly enjoyed these photos! Look forward to reading more soon.
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