Jonathan just finished putting up his and David's tent and now he's going to tackle the kitchen tent.

Opps, the wind tipped over the boys tent. Need to put some stakes down.

Here's Katie's spot in our tent. She actually wanted to lay down in her crate, I didn't make her. =)

The boys tossing the football around till we leave to go watch the fireworks at Nashville Shores.

Richard getting dinner ready.

The sunset,

our campsite

heading out to watch the fireworks

sunset again

Did some fishing before it started, David caught a fish,

I'm just relaxing and watching the kids fish,

Jonathan caught a fish,

Here's David with his fish,

Rebekah fixing her hook

on the boat picture... what are your kids doing? Sarah looks like she is singing "you are my sunshine!" Emphasis on the "you!" Jonathan looks lost "uh?" and Rebekah is smiling like the model queen! :)
Just having fun... or need to go to bed! :)
looks like a wonderful campsite and you made great memories there! How cool to watch the fireworks from your own boat!
Man does that look inviting. A camping trip with some smores and fireworks, and maybe a swim in a lake sounds like a dream vacation right now. I say maybe a lake because our lakes are still pretty cold. we might get our tent out tonight and camp ion the backyard. I bet Dj would love that.
Dan, you should do that. Make sure have make a little campfire and make some smore's too. =)
Sarah is singing along with the radio and Jonathan was purpossly making that facial expression. lol
They're having a good time as we rode over to Nashville Shores. =)
how about putting some pictures of the boat. I would like to see what you guys have done with it so far.
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