Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your enjoy our pictures from the day. It was a non-stopping active day!!

Rachel with her hair curled and a new dress on.

Isn't she a pretty princess.

Mom got Richard an early Christmas present.
Only mom would find this item. lol

Yes, a stocking lamp from "A Christmas Story" movie. Richard's going to hang it up at work in his office. Won't the guys love this.

Rachel trying on my jewelry.

Every girl loves some bling. =)

Some of the crazy crew, Johanna, Letisha, Rachel, and Trevor.

Rachel, Sarah, and Trevor

Mom and Trevor

Playing some video games, Jonathan, Joshua, Caleb and Rebekah.

This is the cake that Letisha made. Oh my gosh was this cake DELICIOUS!!!!!!!

hanging out till it gets warmer outside

The sun came out and the kids went out to play.

Going for a ride

and Jonathan was the driver.

David drove down to give us some sugar cubes for the horses. Mom in the background there. =)

Trying to feed some sugar to the horses.

I love this picture. lol

Trevor and Sarah

This horse just loved Richard. Everywhere Richard went that horse was right there waiting for some more sugar. =)

Mom giving some love to the horse. I think she's enjoying it.

She also likes getting kisses. =)

Another favorite picture.

Uncle Richard pulling Trevor and Rachel.

The family picture before we eat. =)

Mmmmmm, look at the desserts. =}

Danny, look at what your missing out on. =) Mmm was it good!!

Trevor was really enjoying his. =)

Me and Johanna, she'll be 1 years old next month and she's already walking.

Daniel playing with Katie.

Take 10, kid you NOT!!! I spared you from having to look at all of them. lol

Relaxing by the fire in the woods. It's one of our favorite spots.

Caleb was wanting to make some S'mores but we were pretty full from the desserts.

We had to add an old tradition with the younger generation, Twister. =)

Trevor found him a truck almost as big as him. =)

Boy, somebody just couldn't last any longer. Rachel was done but me and Nala wanted to say goodbye.

Bye-Bye Rachel. Thank you for coming to Aunt Kimmy's house. Nala and I had so much fun playing with you!! =) I love you!

Everyone saying there goodbyes. Thank you Daniel, Letisha, Joshua, Caleb, Rachel, Trevor, Johanna and grandma for coming to our house for Thanksgiving. We had so much fun playing with you all!! We love all of you!!! One day we will get to share this with Uncle Danny, Aunt Kim, DJ, and Maggie. =) Agree Danny? =)
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