Jonathan and I went on a road trip on Thursday to pick up my mom/grandma for the weekend.

Here we are entering into Alabama.

Letisha surprised mom and I with a pretty and YUMMY cake. lol Can you see the baby on the left, while mama is getting the laundry out of the washer. lol Cute!

Trevor and Johanna watching their cousin Jonathan.

Jonathan helping Caleb learn how to ride a bike. Jonathan was getting his exercise.

Joshua and Caleb hitching a ride on Jonathan.

Trevor watching the boy's being silly.

Jonathan hanging Caleb upside down. lol

Joshua is almost as long as Jonathan.

Sweet Johanna relaxing on the doggy.

Jonathan continueing the tradition of grandpa Bickers giving everyone rides on his back. Now Jonathan is doing it with his cousins, Caleb and Joshua.

The kids love it when David and Jonathan gives them rides. Here is Caleb and Rachel.

Johanna sharing stars with us.

Here's my Trevor ready to go to Africa. =)

Rachel's silly face. =)

Caleb's silly smile. =)

Jonathan with his cousins. From the left Joshua, Rachel, Johanna, Jonathan, Trevor, and Caleb. Did we miss anyone? I don't think so. =)

Aunt Kimmy had to get a picture with all of her nieces and nephews!!

Our silly picture!

Pretty smiles!!

Then we got mom and headed back to Tennessee. Here mom is reading her Mother's Day card.

Then Sarah had mom follow some streamers out the front door that wrapped around to the garage door. Waiting in the garage was her car. She was definitely surprised!!
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