I love my visitors.

They are so cute!

Here is Nala with some funky looking eyes. =]

Shhhhhhh, the baby is sleeping. =]

David and Uncle D (David) trying to make some cool wrestling moves on each other.

Ummmm, David, I think Uncle D is winning.

I think the birds like the house that Jonathan and Richard made this summer.

These are some cute and pretty birds. I love the sound that they make. I believe their called the Eastern Bluebird.

Some thoughts, don't you love it when life seems to be going pretty good....

and then out of no where a curve is thrown into it....

and here's the best one, you come to an end of the road and your not sure which way God wants you to go...I feel like that's where I am right now in trying to find a new church to call our home.

February 5,2008. Here are some cool pics. Sorry for the blur. I didn't realize it came out blurry till after I downloaded it. This was taken the night that the tornadoes came throught our state and just past our area.

In Sumner county the tornadoe hit a gas line which made the sky red from the flames. Sumner is about a 30 minute drive from our house. To get to where the tornado his it's about 45 minutes away. Tennessee had 5 counties that got hit really hard, they are Hardin, Macon, Madison, Shelby and Sumner. So far Tennessee has lost 33 people from this storm. 230 residents are still unknown. They could be in hotels, with family, or still trapped under their homes or worse. 364 homes have been destroyed in Tenn. alone. Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, and Arkansas were all effected by this storm. Please keep these people in your prayers!
love the train track pictures! I did not realize that many people died in TN from the recent tornado. That is still a lot of missing people too! Wow.
love seeing pictures of TN. Hope you post more.
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