My grandbaby Hailey Claire

Isn't she just beautiful!!

The proud parents, Rebekah and Drew. Welcome to the world Hailey!

Rebekah holding Hailey for the first time.
Just born, Hailey!


Rebekah, and Drew with his parents.

Drew and Rebekah with her brothers, Jonathan and David.

Rebekah, Drew, me and Richard awaiting for Hailey's arrival.

It's been a long night but Hailey is here. Sarah holding Hailey.

David and Paige Taylor intoducing Maliyah to Hailey. Her new playmate one day.


Hailey looking at her daddy.

The family, Drew, Rebekah, and Hailey.
Hailey looks pretty happy.

Changing the baby's diaper.

Hailey Claire

Just got her first bath in the nursery.

Drew with Hailey as they weigh her and everything else that they do.

Our first grandbaby Hailey.

Momma Rebekah checking out her new baby.

We love you Hailey!

The first family pic.

Uncle Jonathan with Hailey.

Uncle David with Hailey.

Grandpa Richard with Hailey. Our new little lamb. =)
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