Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 16,2008 WHAT A BUSY WEEKEND!!!! whew!

This is our new addition to the family for only about 2 more days. =( It's a Mazda 2008 and boy does it have speed! =)
Now that the truck is at the collusion place being evaluated, the girls cars are down and the van is the only vehicle still running good. Thank goodness we have a rental car. Today Richard's goal is to get Sarah's car back on the road. Then he will tackle Rebekah's car. Between all of this he will also pick David up at work, take Rebekah to work and then bring David out to the school for his football game. I think he has a pretty easy day. lol
Me? Well, today is the boys Football Jamboree! We will be hosting 10 different football teams at our school. From 2pm -5pm I will be collecting the tickets at the entrance. Then at 5pm I will go and watch Jonathan's team play.

Remember Jonathan is number 31. He is to the left of the picture.
His coach sent Jonathan out to take this big guy out.
Go Jonathan!
Hit him low!!
There you go!!!!
They WON!!!! 14-0

Then after Jonathan's game I went to go work in the merchandise building. We sold a lot of Wildcat stuff. While I was working, our QB president came and told me that Tim McGraw is in the house. WHAT?!?!?! YEA!!!!! His nephew plays on the team that our varsity was playing against. SOOOOO, I decided to go and ask him if he would wear our Wildcat hat for a picture. He of course said that he couldn't do that. I know! But he said that he would hold it for me instead. THAT WORKS!!!!! SO, I didn't want to sound stupid and say 1,2,3, smile. =) I just took the picture. Now I wish I had at least said SMILE! Oh well, he still looks good. =) We will be putting this picture into our football programs. =)

Then at 9pm I went to go watch David play football. We killed Tim McGraw's nephews team. tee hee hee I think it was 21-0
Tim looking on in the stand. He's the guy in the middle at the top with his hands (both hands) by his face. Ya, he had a few friends with him.
And then we got to go home around 10:30 or so. LONG DAY!!!!!!

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