Jonathan wanted me to show you this spider that we found.

He had made a web on one of my plants. It actually looks pretty cool and different.

Richard and I were driving down the road (on our way to get David at work) and saw this little guy sitting on the edge of the road.

So, we quickly stopped and turned around to save him. I was afraid to pick him up. I thought he would bite me but he came up to my hand to smelled it. So, Richard stuck him into his pocket and that's where he stayed for the drive.

When we got home we looked up online to find out what to do with the cute little baby rabbit. Did you know that a momma rabbit only feeds her babies once a day. During the day she if off doing her own thing. Come night time she will come back to the nest and feed the babies. It also said that as the babies get bigger they will adventure out of the nest to look around. Well, this little guy adventured out a little to far and to close to the road. It was about 6:30pm after we read all of this and we hurried back to take this cute little baby back home. He seemed to know where he was going when we put him into the high grass.
Of course we really wanted to keep him but knew he would only survive with his mommy feeding him.
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