Happy Birthday Rebekah. I hope that you had a fun filled day. I have enjoyed so much of being your mom and watching you grow up into a beautiful woman that you are today. I look forward to making many more memories down the road and seeing what God has planned for your life. God definitely has plans for you, he made that known to us on August 11
th. I posted some fun memories from this past year. The years that you were only 17 yrs old.
lol Enjoy!=)

For a graduation gift, Sarah took Rebekah to Florida.

They got to visit the beach with an old friend, Stephanie. =)

Graduation Day

received her diploma= Congratulations!

Visit our cousins in March.

Went skiing with the family in Indiana. That was so much FUN!!

Rebekah being silly.

Rebekah's senior picture. My beautiful baby girl.

Visiting some more friends in Florida.

A bit out of order... our fist hurricane experience.

Some good friends

Rebekah's senior trip to
Gatlinburg...no parents. I was so

The sisters having a good time.

Canoeing on the lake...oh how my dad would had loved to been there. Thank you Rebekah for so many precious memories! Now your 18!!!!! It finally got here. =)
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