Friday, March 30, 2007

Brian Bickers Birthday is TODAY!

Today is my brother Brian's birthday. If he was still with us he would be 36 years old. We Love and Miss you Brian...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! We will celebrate in memory of you. Forever in our hearts, your big sister, Kim

Thursday, March 29, 2007


The girls are enjoying the spring feeling too. Rebekah is so hot that she is even smoking!!!! I love the picture of Sarah on the log in the woods.

I love spring

Nala playing in the grass and David having a good time playing basketball.

Sunday of relaxing with the family all together again

MIssion trip coming home 3-24-07

Here's David just getting off the plane and then Sarah , Becca, and Rebekah. Sorry for so many postings. But my computer wouldn't let me do 3 pictures at a time. Sometimes it will and most of the time it won't! David got himself on his camcorder. Wish I could get that on here.

Mission trip

Rebekah and Sarah on the plane heading home. The kids loved flying!!!!!!!!

Mission trip

The brick home is one of the houses that the kids worked on. They have a FEMA trailor in their driveway that they've been living in for a year. The other house is what a lot of them look like. The spray painted numbers on the house tells how many people lived there, how many died including animals of all sorts.

Mission trip

The man that lives in this house is 75 years old. His insurance money is running out and he can't afford to buy anymore wood. So, the kids all hammered out all the nails out of his old wood so he could reuse it. Some of the wood was molded and inside his house. He has been living in this house since the hurricane Katrina hit. In the second picture you see some clothes hangers. That is where he had to hang his clothes to keep them dry. This house really touched the kids. Sarah wants to raise money for this man to help him finish his house in a safer environment. So he could buy good plywood.

Mission trip

The group picture has a black man in the middle. His was one of the houses that the kids worked on. The other picture is some of the work that they did. David wasn't on the same team as his sisters. That's why you don't see him in most of the pictures.

Mission trip

Girls!! Please wash your hands first!! Second picture is Sarah and a friend cleaning the glue of the floor.

Mission trip

This is a water line on one of the houses.Rebekah and Becca having fun getting dirty. They helped with the tiles for the floors.

Mission Trip

Some of the kids with Sarah that worked on the floor..before and after

Mission trip during spring break

Here's one of the before and after pictures. The kids hung drywall, did insulation, flooring, painting...

3-17-07 Sarah, Rebekah,& David leaving for Louisiana mission trip

Picture of some of the kids as they were getting ready to get on the plane to head for New Orleans-Louisiana to do some mission work. Sarah and Rebekah are in the first picture and David is in the one on the right.

Walking around Nashville ..on the walking bridge

This is a better picture of downtown Nashville from the Cumberland side. Jonathan with the Titans stadium in the background.....go Dolphins!!!!

Lunch with daddy

Jonathan and I went downtown to have lunch with Richard the day after we came home from AL. This is the back side of downtown Nashville from the Cumberland River.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Con't at cousin's house

Aunt Letisha is showing Jonathan how to play the chop stick song. And then the famous wave goodbye with the sun in the eyes. It was a short trip but we made the most of it and had a blast!

At the cousins house

Hanging out and taking pictures before Jonathan and I have to leave.

the day we were to leave

Having fun at the cousins house. The boys were taking turns pulling each other. I don't think they thought that they would have to pull Jonathan too.

Hanging out at Grandma's house

We made some homemade ice cream sundae's at grandma's house. As you can tell, some enjoyed it more than others.=]

Con't Zoo pictures

I just love Rachel's little ponytail. Isn't Caleb's spiked hair cool looking?!

Zoo pictures

zz More fun zoo pictures.

a visit to Alabama to see family

We got there on Tuesday, March 20 and went to the Birmingham Zoo. Jonathan had a blast hanging out with his cousins. We had a wonderful time visiting with them for 2 days.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Happy Birthday - MOM

Today is my mom's birthday!
After you hit your 29th, you quit counting and tend to forget your real age.
Doesn't she look beautiful and young for her age!!! She should, she has 9 grandkids to keep up with!