Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 21,2008 They got their football helmets.

The freshman team received their football helmets and cleats today. In the picture is Jonathan and his friend Brandon.
going head to head...are you ready for some footballlllllll!?!?!?!?

Jonathan strutting the new look.

Football Season has officially started- July 7,08

But not for Katie, she's enjoying what was a new toy.
Here is Jonathan in his warm-up jersey.

And here is the haircut he's been wanting. Yes, we finally let him have a mohawk.

side view and

back view. Poor kid, I can now find him by looking for a white head. All the boys wear the same outfits for practise and it's hard to figure out who is your kid sometimes. Richard helped him with his new haircut.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sunday July 13, 2008 Sunday

Katie loves to bark at smoke. David lit some kind of firework that puts out a lot of smoke.
Katie was having fun with it, so was David. =)

A friend let us use their jetski. When Richard started the engine up, Katie jumped into the water and started swimming out to him. It was so funny. If you call her out into the water she won't go, but if you start a motor and she's all over it.

This crazy dog loves to go jet skiing now.

So, later in the day we went out and got her a lifejacket. Richard started the motor and she took off into the water and climbed onto the jetski.

Here she is modeling her lifejacket for you. =)
There she go's ......
She had a full day of water and fun! Boy did she sleep good last night. lol

Sunday July 13th 2008 Sarah pizza

Don't ask Sarah for a small piece of pizza because this is what you'll get. lol
The benefits of working at NYPD pizza. =)

July 6, 2008 Sunday end of our vacation

A view of the lake from my chair.
Our family picture

Katie chasing the waves

She is really moving in this pic.

Isn't she a cutie! =)
Katie resting on the floaty with me.
Rebekah fishing

It was a beautiful day.

Come on Katie, swim to mommy.
Good girl!
As we were leaving the campground a family of deer ran across the road in from of us. Isn't he/she cute! =)

July 5,2008 Saturday Vacation

Starting the morning off with some card games.
Paige and David came out on Saturday and hung out with us for the day.

Paige, Rebekah and Jonathan having fun on the jet ski.
Uncle D playing around with Sarah.
David, Uncle D, Sarah. and Richard
David jumping toward Richard and Uncle D

Uncle D taking Sarah with him ..overboard!!
Jonathan skiing
Katie watching on....
David skiing..
here comes David..Look no hands!! lol
David and Richard...Richard trying to flip it.
Uncle D and Rebekah jumping off the cliffs
still falling...
Rebekah and David walking along the edge to look inside a hole (cave).
Jonathan jumping..looks like he's flying.
David's turn
picture of the cliffs that they were jumping off of.
Inside this cave was 2 baby buzzards. Boy did it stink in there. They also saw the insides of a dead animal. Yuck!
Paige, Rebekah, and David
Jonathan hanging on for dear life.
David having fun on the tube.
Uncle D having more fun trying to flip the boys off.

Hold on boys!!
Ohhhh, he got David!
Finished the evening off with some card games. Happy 4th July!