Monday, June 30, 2008

June 30, 2008 Just some pictures to finish off June

Hey Look! When I got home today, this Zebra was in my back yard, well, actually he was in our meadow. =)
Bath day,
Katies getting all cleaned up.

Our Love is Rock Solid! =)

just some random pictures

June 25, 2008 Dinner with Jonathan

On Wednesday night the camp had a pot luck dinner. So, Richard and I got to go see Jonathan hear what they had done so far. He looks dirty in this picture because they were wearing military paint earlier in the day.
Jonathan and Daddy.

Jonathan's Explorer Camp Graduation June 27, 2008

This should be the second picture. As the team came to us, they were carring their logs that they had to carry as a team. Everywhere they went they had to take the log with them.

walking in formation to their seats
Jonathan is in the back row second to last from the left.
Jonathan recieving his diploma for finishing Explorer Camp. All smiles. =)

At the end of the ceremony they walk out in formations,
and did some more push ups.
During the whole camp week they did about 7,9 ?? push-ups total.
Good job guys!

Jonathan, Jordan, Jacob and Brandon.
The boys, Jonathan, Jordan, Jacob,Brandon and in front Moochie AKA.
This was Jonathan's sixth grade Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Curry. She use to be taller than Jonathan. =)
Got milk, chocolate milk that is! =)
Jonathan with officer Pete
Jonathan with officer Greg. These men are true country boys!

They were also given a National Guard beenie
This was their graduation t-shirt.

They were given a National Guard t-shirt for graduation.

Jonathan is on the far left side of the picture, back row. Good job Jonathan! I'm glad you had a good time. Thank you grandma and granddaddy for help Jonathan to camp! =)

Monday, June 23, 2008

6-23-08 First Day of Explorer Camp

Jonathan and his friend Brandon that he invited. They got their uniforms on and they are ready to go.
The boys with another friend from school.
I wanted to take a pic of the boys shirts from the back.

This is the log that the boys have to carry with their team everywhere they go.
Here's from the left Jacob, Brandon, Jonathan, and their other friend from school. I forgot his name. =)

June 22,08 Night Before Explorer Camp

Here is Jonathan with his beautiful hair.
Here is Jonathan with only half of his beautiful hair.

And here is Jonathan ready for Explorer Camp. One of the rules is you can't have long hair. He actually likes his new dew. Daddy especially likes Jonathan's new dew.

David's day off from work 6- -08

Jonathan going down the Hippo

David jumping off the Iceburge,

standing on top

David, Brandon, and Jonathan going down the Scream,