Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25,2009 Ash Wednesday

This is Richards way of doing Ash Wednesday. Color in a circle on a sticky note. Make sure it's a black pen or dark lead. Then tear it off and place the sticky part of your forehead. There you go, you got your ash. It's a convenient way of doing it. You don't even have to leave the office. lol I make me laught!!! LOL

February 24,2009 Football Practise

Jonathan is the third guy counting from the left to right with a dark shirt on. Richard is the long shadow that you see in front. lol
David had to do this earlier than Jonathan and came home really sick. But that's because he was too sick to be doing this but did anyhow. It was really cold outside-41 degrees. So it made the breathing hurt in the chest. Anyhow I just wanted to show you some of the things they do during practise. The weights that they are pulling are about 40 pounds.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An older posting from Jan. 28,2009

My backyard
The mailbox
heading down our road from our driveway. Notice there's no tracks?
Now there are, mine. =)
From down the road. We got like 4 inches of water 2 days before the snow.

I was on my way to the dentist. This is the Music Train.

The new boat cover.
Our beautiful deer.

Friday, February 20, 2009

February 14,2009

Sarah and some of her friends got together for Valentines Day. This is what the guys had for the girls.
Sarah , friend, Victori
They rented a limo.
The group.

February 16,2009

Sarah took me to a Predators hockey game. It was Military night.
The Predators are in the dark jerseys.

We had a good time!

It's the Ottawa, Canada..Senators. They beat us 2-0