Thursday, January 3, 2008

A quick visit in Yankeetown, Florida 12-26-07

Richard, David and Jonathan standing on the dock at the house. This is the Withlacoche River (spell?) which dumps you into the Gulf coast.
Jonathan, David, and Ben trying to get a gators attention with a fish that they caught earlier. David is holding the fish.

Here's a view of the house from one side of the yard.
This is one of the shrimp boats that you will see either going out in the evening (which this one is doing) or coming in from the gulf in the mornings.
We got to spend some time with Richard's parents. This is taken after we had done a bunch of cleaning.
Granddaddy playing in the water again! He likes to tease the gators. jk But there are a lot of gators in this river.
Here are some coots at a different lake. I thought this was funny looking.
We took a break from working on the pontoon boat and took the boys to a lake to do some fishing.
We also got to see Connie and her family. Frank, Connie, Richard, and me.
This is only HALF of the cousins. David, Ben, Jonathan, and Jenny.
Some of the crew! =]
This is the view of the house from the river side. Which is actually the front of the house.
And this is the front of the house.
And this is the reason that we came to Florida, seeing family was a bonus! =]
She might not be much to look at right now but wait till this summer. This boat was a lot to pull even with our truck. We drove back home at 60 65 mph. And one BIG mountain we had to climb and come down. Down hill was 4 miles long and very steep. Richard did a really good job, of course. =]
Here are some turtles basking in the sun..or trying too.
Jonathan playing with his gun. NO animals were harmed!
Jonathan getting some time of fishing in.
David trying to catch a gator.
I thought this was pretty.
My first morning there I got to see and otter
and a small baby gator. COOL!! =]

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